DIMAS – Diplôme d’Initiation aux Métiers Aéronautiques et Spatiaux

Bringing Aerospace Knowledge to the Schools

Like the BIA program available to French schools, Luxembourg Flight Training Academy, in partnership with the Service de Coordination de la recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques – SCRIPT, has introduced the training program DIMAS for secondary school students in Luxembourg.

The objectives of DIMAS are:

  • Introduce and raise awareness of secondary school students to the aeronautical and aerospace professions.
  • Inspire, motivate and engage students to achieve their academic and professional goals.
  • Provide opportunities for students to prepare for graduate studies in aviation and aerospace.
  • Contribute to provide the aeronautical and space sectors, civil and military, with competent and motivated Young professionals.

The students to be proposed by the participating schools, receive a course from our LFTA instructors that include:

  • Meteorology and Aerology
  • Aerodynamics, aerostatics and principles of flight
  • Study of aircraft and spacecraft
  • Navigation, regulation, flight safety
  • History and culture of aeronautics and space.

Want to know more – contact us.

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